Monday, 7 February 2011

First week update. Testers, hands up!

It is exactly 7 days since I've started my Bathroom experiment. So far no major issues, no complains, just  several observations and funny-ish stories. But lets go one by one.

and my floorball training. I must admit that I am not really surprised that spell checker doesn't recognise word 'floorball'. I am sure, that all of you do. In case you don't, check YouTube or watch Summer Olympics 2016+. My trainers are very stable, but they are getting a bit smelly with time passing. Is that the price for stability? Naturally, this is a good test setup for my no-shower-gel-no-shampoo shower.
Didn't ask the shampoo carriers for the shampoo this time, I was having my lovely water only shower. "Smelly-test" results were great, no issues at all and I was able to go to tube happily. Hair is normal - no difference yet.

Monday & Tuesday
Not sure I had a shower both days. Shocking? No. Had definitely at least one. Here I started to observe some differences. Hair is getting bit harder and more oily. When in shower they feel 10x thicker. Next day at work they looked normal, but a bit oily when touched. I heard that this should go back to normal after circa 2 weeks, so I am not worried as they actually look good! No one to touch me so all ok. My skin still smells OK, quite nice actually...well, smell of the body woof woof!

Another floorball training (damn spell checker!), after which I met my friend. She is a proper human doggy nose. Her nose cannot be tricked, and her honesty cannot be questioned. This is the ultimate "smelly-test" setup. Surprisingly I passed without any problems, I was even told I smell nice, no dodgy comments around!
Training time and my lovely trainers again. I had a shower after training, my hair was HARD, oily-ish again (especially when wet), but otherwise all OK. Later on, as I was happily sitting on the chair in my bath robe, when friend's friend suddenly dropped some crazy concentrated soya sauce very next to me!! Result - sauce everywhere!! On the chair, on the sofa, on the bag, in the bag, on the wall and naturally, on my "water-only-leg", flip flop and my face almost got it too. Oh..the smell was so strong that my nose got smelly only by smelling it! My eyes were smelly only by looking at the mess! So I was thinking, what to do now? I've had my lovely shower just minute ago, no soap, no gel, and now I have a soya sauce on me!

At least I hope it was a good thing to kill bacteria! So, I went to another shower and YES-please forgive me, I did cheat. I used a bit of the soap for my shin...but that's it! Nowhere else, not on for hands or for "flip-flop-soya-smell" feet. I felt bad about the soap, but you know how it gotta to do what you gotta do, especially when having a concentrated taiwanese s..a on your leg? Only when you undertaking bathroom experiment? Well, after using just a bit of soap on the leg, I managed not to smell for the rest of the week so all went ok again and I half-survived the first log under my feet!

All good during the day, hair again a bit oily when touched - but good looking. Well at least I was happy with the look :) Ok, another training, floorball, trainers - good stress test combo!! Shower in the shower, gel smell from the next cabin only, no shampoo in my eyes, only my hardy friends with me. Hair to clarify.
Body smells like there was no sport activity. One thing to mention here: I am still using a tiny bit of deodorant, I am not brave to go without it yet. It should be not that bad to not use it, as if I smell weird, I can just put it on. So maybe I'll try that later. Check for updates!

Well,  as I had been out and came late, all I managed was to check some youtube music videos until 5:30am and then went to bed. I suppose I was still fresh and nice smelling as the cats still love me and sleep with me, so I guess it is OK. Or maybe they are after my animal beastly aroma? You know, I live with 2 cats now (used with 3 for 3 weeks), so my "cosmic cat" friend pointed out, I might be turning into one......they are just licking themselves as a shower, and they still smell nice! Hmm, if you catch me licking myself, please, hit me! And no cameras!

Had a shower around 3pm in the morning. My hair is even harder! wow!! I tried to comb them for the first time this week - yes that's correct! Probably I haven't mentioned yet, I have quite big, curly hair, that's why they are used to be quite random after shower. Anyway, combing them was a quite a shock! They were like covered in hair styling product, was able to do any shape I wanted! Actually, it was probably the oil in them, but in a good way! Easy to shape, easy to play withWhen they got dry, their look got back to normal and they lost their ability to get styled freely, but were still quite nice and I was pleased with another shampoo and gel free day!

Another floorball training and another quick meeting with my "smelly-test" friend. The shower turned just bad! Not because I was jealous of all the shower gels around me (I wasn't!), but because the water was just HOT / BOILING with no option to regulate.
"Go under the shower, I will press the button, and you'll tell me where the millions $$ are hidden!" Or burn like Krueger. Just don't come back..
So with this delicate water on my body, I somehow managed to get rid of all the salt and jumped out. My hair was ok, looked funny, no comb, 90 degree Celsius-water, they were not dry at all, and still looked healthy. So I met my friend, and she again confirmed I am not smelling bad, but indeed, quite nice! Hmm, have just realised that she didn't smell my hair, only body...will sort out this next week.
Came home happy and not that surprised, and then another log my coming my way! I decided to clean our bathroom off mould! So did put the gloves on, T-shirt across my face as a mask, and started to battle these mouldy creatures. I was on the winning side, when I started to battle on ceiling...Started to spray Dettol above me, but had realised slowly as a blonde Barbie that it is all falling back on my uncovered hand! Felt like Gremlin in the rain. But  stayed calm, went to sink to wash it off, and then realised = "Gosh, I cannot use soap. I mean, I don't want to use soap!" All these Dettols and soya sauces are just tests from the above! Body will manage! So I put only hot water on it, and continued killing the germs with even more passion. You know, these stuff don't get off skin that easily! So after that, when all that was left in bathroom were black body bags full of mould, I took another shower, just water, and all was gone. Just bacteria free right hand! No smell. I am proud. That was my Sunday afternoon. Not lazy this time

First week summary
  1. My body smells quite nice. I can say that all parts. Not that I was smelling everywhere though!
  2. Skin is absolutely the same, not dry like my Slivovica bottle after Friday, nor spotty like a night sky or  dirty like a red light district. Cannot see any bacteria or worms either, so I guess all is good.
  3. My hair is more oily, but never dry-looking, they are more manageable and looking dark and healthy. I hope :) And they are more curly, but that's because I am not using comb that much these days. 
  4. All in all, I am happy with the results so far, not to mention I have passed 2 "smelly-tests" :)
I will continue next week. Wondering what will happen with the hair. Body seems to be coping without a difference yet..

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